Client satisfaction is one of my top priorities, and I want you to feel comfortable with your purchase. Every recipe is…
Tested at least twice.
Includes a FAQ section which includes a tips and tricks section and texture and flavor notes.
Is checked for typos and grammar errors with Grammarly.
Is scanned by Copyscape to make sure that it doesn’t unintentionally match other similar recipes.
Recipes you purchase from my shop include a Recipe Guarantee which includes…
Free edits on photos!
One free reshoot per recipe!
Free retesting!
Free edits on recipes!
If you are ever dissatisfied or have any issues with your recipe or photos, please feel free to reach out! While I do my best to ensure that all of my recipes and photos are top quality, errors, while rare, can happen.
I am always available for questions and feedback via email at, and I respond to emails within 24 business hours.
Thank you so much for your support, and your business!
Alicia Countryman
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